Integrated Healthcare News Roundup: September 2016
Bryan Robertson | October 05, 2016 | Care Providers, Chronic Conditions
From the latest research to illustrative case studies for integrated healthcare, we're rounded up the most interesting news from September, 2016. Check out the stories below to stay up-to-date.
'Collaborative Care' May Aid Kids' Concussion Recovery
By Molly Walker
Originally published September 13, 2016 on
Collaborative care, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), was linked with decreased reporting of postconcussive symptoms as well as fewer depressive symptoms among adolescents with persistent symptoms of concussion, a small randomized trial found.
Six months following treatment, a significantly smaller portion of the group that received collaborative care reported having postconcussive symptoms, and a larger portion of the collaborative care group reported a significant reduction in depressive symptoms compared with kids receiving usual care, reported Carolyn A. McCarty, PhD, of Seattle Children's Hospital, and colleagues, writing in Pediatrics.
Collaborative Care is Effective and Cost-Effective For Adolescent Depression
By Laura P. Richardson, MD, MPH
Originally published September 21, 2016 on What is the background for this study?
Response: Adolescent depression is one of the most common mental health conditions during adolescence. Up to one in five adolescents experience an episode of major depression by age 18. Depressed youth are at greater risk of suicide, dropping out of school and poor long-term health. Treatments, including medications and psychotherapy, have been proven to be effective but most depressed teens don’t receive any treatment.
How Integration Will Revolutionize Our Healthcare System
By Jeff Spahr
Originally published September 26, 2016 on
“One hand doesn’t know what the other is doing.” It’s a cliché, but it’s a vivid metaphor for the chaos that occurs when a body isn’t working together. It also serves as an apt description for the majority of today’s healthcare delivery.
The men and women working on the front lines of healthcare, and those working behind the scenes to fundamentally change the way care is delivered will tell you the biggest road blocks between our country and better health are inefficiency and waste. They’re also the factors driving the consistent rise in healthcare spending.
Consider the Details When Integrating Behavioral Healthcare
By Joy Himmel, PsyD, PMHCNS-BC, LPC
Originally published September 15, 2016 on
With more emphasis on performance and value-driven care, healthcare leaders are looking to integrate behavioral health into traditional settings, drive efficiency, reduce costs and improve patient outcomes.
While the big picture changes and transitions are important to a successful integration, the real areas that will determine success or failure can be found in the details such as resource management, organization policies, treatment planning and coordination of care.
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