General Wellbeing and Stress Management Tips


There are many strategies you can use to maintain your mental resilience. Most of us could benefit from improving in at least one of the areas below. Try working some of these into your daily routine!


Control Your Electronics/Phone/Social Media Use

Many people often use electronics as their form of stress relief. Unfortunately, escaping into social media or certain television shows can sometimes actually have the opposite effect. Certain types of media (like Instagram, TikTok, or even certain TV shows) can negatively impact your opinion of yourself, and have been linked to poorer sleep.


Use some of the pointers below to minimize the intrusiveness of electronics on your life:

  • Avoid electronics for about 1 hour before bed
  • Consider a standing desk
  • Focus on your real friends when using social media
  • Give yourself scheduled screen-free time 
  • Replace some screen time with other habits 
  • Use social media intentionally
  • Watch feel good tv shows and/or shows that encourage laughter 
  • When you’re out…leave the phone in your pocket (be where your feet are!)

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You don’t need to train like a world class athlete to get your body into better shape. In fact, there’s some research that suggests you don’t always need to break a sweat to have a “good workout.”


If you’re looking for some tips on getting an exercise routine worked into your daily schedule, see below. 

NOTE:  If you have ongoing physical health problems or you have not exercised in a while, consult with your doctor or a professional before beginning.

  • Exercise in a way that you enjoy 
  • Make it part of your daily routine
  • Replace some of your screen time with exercise time
  • Start small

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Healthy Eating

To incorporate healthy eating into your diet, you need to simply find the healthy foods that you enjoy eating. You might not enjoy Brussels sprouts…so eat broccoli instead! The point is that your healthy eating might look very different to the person sitting next to you and THAT’S OKAY.


Nutrition basics come down to eating a variety of wholesome foods that support your health. Here are some things you can try:

  • Experiment with cooking 
  • Get your protein 
  • Limit processed foods 
  • Make fruits and vegetables part of your daily diet 
  • Put your snacks/food in a dish rather than eating out of the box/bag
  • Select whole grain items
  • Water, water, water

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Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficult life experiences.  Use resilience tools to maintain a healthy physical and psychological existence after or amidst experiencing stress, trauma, or any other psychologically tolling experience. Research suggests that people with stronger resilience are protected from developing severe difficulties with depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges.


Developing resilience takes practice. Subtle changes to your daily routine can help you become more resilient. Tips for building resilience include:

  • Build a sense of purpose
  • Challenge yourself
  • Grow healthy relationships
  • Identify personal strengths
  • Maintain hope 
  • Master new skills
  • Meditate 
  • Practice self-acceptance (see tips in “Self-Acceptance” section)
  • Recognize and reduce negative thoughts 
  • Recognize stress 
  • Set goals 

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Self-acceptance is the practice of learning to accept everything about yourself - the good and the bad. It is not necessarily something that comes naturally to all of us, but practicing self-acceptance can have many benefits. 


One key in developing self-acceptance is to work on your self-compassion, which is the process of being kind to yourself the same way you would be kind to someone else. Just like most things, it will take time and practice.

A few tips for building self-acceptance include:

  • Forgive yourself 
  • Forget “being perfect” 
  • Identify personal strengths
  • Identify personal weaknesses
  • Limit comparisons
  • Meditate
  • Practice gratitude 
  • Practice self-compassion
  • Recognize and reduce negative thoughts
  • Set goals 
  • Understand perspective.

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Experts recommend that adults get about 8 hours of high quality sleep per night. The emphasis is on “high quality.” It’s easy to lie in bed for 8 hours, but if 2 of those hours are spent on your phone and 1 is spent tossing and turning, then you really only “slept” for 5 hours. 


The good news is that sleep is manageable and you don’t need to be a sleep expert to do it. Here are some tips you can use to improve the quality of your sleep:

Note: If you have ongoing physical health problems that may be causing your sleep problems, consult with your doctor or a professional before making changes to your sleep routine.

  • Avoid large meals before bedtime
  • Avoid lots of fluids before bed 
  • Avoid sedatives, like alcohol or supplements to act as sleep aids
  • Bedtime rituals
  • Do not work or exercise in your bed or bedroom 
  • Have a consistent sleep schedule
  • Limit caffeine
  • Limit screen time (phone, computer, tablet, tv, etc.) for 1 hour before and while you’re in bed
  • Minimize or remove naps

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Socialize with Friends and Family



As humans, we are social beings. Whether you consider yourself to be an introvert, an extrovert or anything in between, socializing with people (friends, family, etc.) can help you feel less isolated and happier. For many of us, our socialization habits have changed significantly since the onset of COVID. Here are some tips for reconnecting with people:

  • Go outside 
  • Involve yourself in a group activity that you enjoy 
  • Physical distancing does not = social distancing
  • Texting counts
  • Try smaller groups or one-on-one 
  • Use technology
  • Write a letter (or an email) to someone

This video that explains what social withdrawal looks like and how it can affect you or a loved one:




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Stress Management

When you’re stressed, you may notice that your mood or behaviors change. You might be more reactive to things, cry more, eat more, yell more, and so on. No matter what happens, in many instances, stress leads people to act or think in ways they never intended to.


The good news is that even though we can’t always remove sources of stress from our lives, there are many ways we can manage stress that can be highly effective. Check out the list of things you could try below.

  • Better manage your screen time 
  • Change up your day-to-day scenery 
  • Focus on improving your sleep 
  • Journal. Write a commentary about your day, week, or month 
  • Learn relaxation techniques, like mindfulness meditation 
  • Minimize household clutter on an ongoing basis so it doesn’t stack up 
  • Reduce how often you multitask 
  • Replace bad habits (like smoking or excessive drinking) with healthier habits (like exercising and healthy eating)
  • Schedule relaxing activities into your day 
  • Set realistic goals and expectations for your personal, school, and/or work life 
  • Socialize with others 


Mindfulness Meditation to Reduce Stress

If you’re unfamiliar with mindfulness, it is a type of mental training that teaches you to focus on the present, slow down your thoughts, and let go of things you cannot control. Check out the videos below for an example mindfulness exercise. Feel free to participate!






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Weight Management

Weight management comes down to monitoring the amount of calories you intake versus the amount of calories you burn. There are other factors at play, though, like your metabolism, which can be impacted by the types of food you eat and your exercising patterns. Take a look at the healthy eating habits tips and healthy exercise habits. Considering information from both areas can put you on the right track to achieve your desired weight management outcome. 


Weight management tips:

  • Don’t do it alone
  • Get a better understanding of food and your thoughts surrounding eating 
  • Know that it takes time 
  • Mindful eating 
  • Notice the little accomplishments along the way
  • Plan 
  • Think of a strategy that you can maintain

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